Rocket Software’s Database Tools
Rocket Software is one of the top 100-software companies worldwide. Rockets Database tools can help you solve your most complex data management problems.
Database tools
Universe Database Technology
UniVerse is available on the major UNIX hardware platforms and on Microsoft Windows Servers. UniVerse is an integrated database and application development environment that supports industry standards as well as defacto standards including; Ansi-standard SQL Language, Microsoft’s Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface, transaction management, and distributed tables across multiple operating platforms.
Unidata Unidata is an SQL nested relational database management system and application development environment. Unidata provides multi-dimensional extensions to the traditional relational model. Supporting rapid prototyping and the ability to fully navigate nested data structures, Unidata handles even the most demanding business application. With its own set of data access commands and full SQL and C language interfaces Unibasic offers developers a wide range of flexible development choices.
Datastage Datastage is a data extraction and transformation tool. It is a leader in meta data transformation technologies allowing the user to simplify the management of data warehouse environments. Datastage streamlines the building and maintenance of data warehouses and its ability to handle complex issues such as writing to multiple targets, operating system integration and capturing changed data are critical benefits to data warehouses.
UNI Products
UNIODBC – UNIODBC provides a client/server strategy in order to access multiple systems and database models through transparent front-end clients. The UNIODBC product is designed for multi-database environments and enables access to any supported data source, such as UniVerse, Unidata,Oracle, Informix, PI/Open, C-ISAM and other proprietary databases. UNIODBC enables developers to write applications that mix and match data from any of these databases simultaneously, enabling applications to become truly database independent. Developers construct queries using unified query structure. These queries are exactly the same regardless of the database to be used. This means that applications need only be written once and there need be no form of database dependent code whatsoever.UNIOBJECTS UniObjects allows developers to create high quality, top performing Windows applications quickly and easily with Windows clients and UniVerse Servers on Windows NT or UNIX. UniObjects is takes full advantage of OLE automation to bring the proven advantages of object-oriented development to UniVerse client/server development.UNIJAVA As part of the UNI products offering developers have the freedom to choose any industry-leading Java-based tool that’s right for the job at hand. With best-of-breed Java IDE tools and UniObjects for Java a 100% pure Java class library, doing any sort of low level server-side Java application is easily accomplished.UNISQL The UniVerse SQL Client Interface (UNISQL Client) provides an interface to other ODBC accessible data sources from UniVerse to communicate with another UniVerse application or Oracle, Sybase etc. locally or remotely.UNIUCI The UniVerse Call Interface (UCI) is a “C” language UniVerse specific SQL Call Level Interface (CLI). Its purpose is to provide a high-performance ODBC 2-based interface for developers and third party tools vendors.UNIGCI The General Calling Interface (GCI) is a call level interface that allows UniVerse sub-routines (stored procedures) to call external functions. It offers the “lowest common denominator” approach facilitating application to application connections. |
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